Dr. Euiyoung Kim is Assistant Professor of Design for Dynamic Stability in the Design, Organisation, and Strategy (DOS) department and Co-director in the Automated Mobility lab (DDL) at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft. Euiyoung was previously a lecturer & postdoc at Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation at the University of California, Berkeley. He was the research director in the Berkeley Research for Autonomous Vehicle Opportunities (BRAVO), and a co-principal investigator on several research projects on the topic of future mobility, design process and methods, cybersecurity, and next digital. He received PhD degree in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, focusing on Design Theory & Methods and New Product Development, Summer 2016 . He was granted MS degree in Engineering Design Innovation at Northwestern University in 2011. Prior to moving to the United States, he worked in a strategic marketing team, Samsung Electronics.
Euiyoung has received several research and teaching awards, including the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) 2020 & 2016 Best Paper Awards, the ICED (International Conference on Engineering Design 2015 & 2013 Reviewers' favorite Awards, the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award 2014, UC Berkeley, Finalist of the 2020 Best Article Award, California Management Review. He is a Fellow of 2015 SIPFF (Summer Institute for Preparing Future Faculty) at UC Berkeley, an Autodesk Faculty Fellow, and a member of ASME, IEEE, IDSA, and Design Society.
Semina An is a Ph.D. candidate at the institute of industrial archaeology and history of science and technology (IWTG) at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, and her project is supported by a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Her research interests include architectural history, World Heritage studies, and industrial culture. Her doctoral dissertation focuses primarily on Criterion (ii) of the World Heritage Convention, examining the revised description and consequences of inscription on the World Heritage List.
She completed her master's degree in architecture from the Korea National University of Arts. Her master's thesis, “the Discussion of Construction and the Urban Structure of Walled Towns to Protect the Capital City and the King in the Joseon Dynasty,” was published in MAB-Burgenforschung BD.3, Germany. She worked at Namhansanseong World Heritage Center in South Korea, where she was in charge of international affairs related to UNESCO World Heritage Sites. She continues to build her expertise by being involved with the ICOMOS Subcommittee on Industrial Heritage in Korea and the DDR Study Group (the East Germany Research Group) in Germany.
Basic sciences, including mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, and earth science, explore the intricate workings of natural phenomena. These disciplines form the foundation of scientific inquiry, offering insights into the fundamental processes governing the universe. Through rigorous study, we enhance our comprehension of matter's transformations, unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos and the complexities of life.
At the EKC2025 conference, we will focus on understanding natural phenomena and exploring the applications derived from this knowledge. We aim to bridge theoretical frameworks, from quantum mechanics to nanotechnology, with practical applications, harnessing scientific discovery to improve lives globally. We welcome abstract submissions across a wide spectrum of basic science disciplines, including mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, earth science, and related fields.
Minjae Kim is an ERC senior research fellow and ESA project lead in the Mullard Space Science Laboratory at the University College London, UK. He earned his MSc and PhD from Heidelberg University and Kiel University, Germany. His research focuses primarily on theoretical astronomy and astrophysics, with a particular interest in planet formation and evolution, including protoplanetary and debris discs, comets, and the solar system. His main areas of expertise include numerical modelling, data analysis, and astronomical observation.
• Operations Leader at SPB/SFX group, European X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facility (EuXFEL) (2023. 01. - Present)
• Staff Scientist at SPB/SFX group, EuXFEL (2019. 12. - 2022. 12.)
• Postdoctoral Researcher at MID group, EuXFEL (2015. 10. - 2019. 11.)
• Postdoctoral Researcher at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (2015. 03. – 2015. 09.)
• Ph.D in Physics at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) (2009. 3. – 2015. 2.)
• MS in Engineering at GIST (2007. 3. – 2009. 2.)
• B.S. at Kyungpook National University (2000. 3. – 2007. 2.: Military service for two-year and two-month is included.)
• Physics Subject Group Chairperson at the Korean Scientists and Engineers Association (VeKNI) in the Federal Republic of Germany (2018. 3. – 2024. 10.)
• EKC2019, EKC2021, EKC2023 Programme Committee
• Review committee for TDR (Technical design review) evaluation of the CDS instrument of SHINE, China (2024. 04.)
• Review committee for TDR (Technical design review) evaluation of the IEB and IEM instruments of the coherent diffraction end-station of SHINE, China (2024. 07.)
Jin Hyun Chang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Energy Conversion and Storage at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). His research interest spans the discovery and design of materials for energy applications, such as next-generation batteries and power-to-X. His research group develops and utilizes multiscale simulation methods and self-driving laboratories (SDLs) to accelerate the materials discovery process.
Dr. Jongmin Lee is a scientist at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) with expertise in neutron imaging and electrochemical devices. His research focuses on improving polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) and lithium-ion batteries using advanced operando neutron techniques. He has significant experience in developing imaging methods and analyzing materials under various operating conditions. At PSI, Dr. Lee supports user operations at neutron beamlines and leads research projects on fuel cells, batteries, and hydrogen storage. He collaborates with international partners and industry to advance technologies for clean energy.
Prof. Junbeum Kim holds an HDR, the University of Bordeaux and Ph.D. in Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering from Arizona State University. After working as a researcher at the University of Minnesota and the University of California, Santa Barbara, he has been serving for 13 years in the Department of Environmental Information Technology at Troyes University of Technology in France, where he teaches subjects such as Sustainable Engineering, Industrial Ecology, Life Cycle Assessment, Carbon Reduction Assessment, Waste, Energy and Material Flow Analysis, and manages research projects in France and Europe. Currently, Prof. Kim is active as an evaluator (IEP) for Eureka, the world's largest international collaborative research program, and serves as the Vice President of the Korean Society of Environmental Management and an editor in Resource Conservation and Recycling. He also served the President of Association des Scientifiques Coréens en France from 2018 to 2022.
Prof. Min-Kyu Paek is the assistant professor at Aalto University in Finland. He got his doctorate at Hanyang University, Korea in 2014. For his postdoctoral research, he joined the FactSage thermochemistry software developers' groups at McGill University, Canada, Seoul National University, Korea, and Aalto University, Finland from 2014 to 2021. Then, he managed the process flowsheet of non-ferrous alloy production and EV battery recycling processes in Umicore, Belgium until 2022. As a senior researcher at RIST from 2022 to 2024, his work focuses on the utilization of steelmaking byproducts produced in POSCO, Korea and the development of environmentally friendly processes by lowering emission gases such as CO2, SOx, NOx, etc. He served as the president of the Society of Korean Scientists and Engineers in Finland (KOSES) from 2020 to 2021 and the Association of Korean Experts on Materials Scientist and Technology in Europe (KEMST) from 2024.
Advancements in Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering, including Artificial Intelligence, are reshaping society with unprecedented impact. Breakthroughs in electronic systems, telecommunications, power distribution, neural network methodologies, and software engineering are rapidly transforming daily life, driven by growing demands for innovation and global competition.
At EKC2025, the Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering (EI) division will host sessions covering a wide range of topics. We welcome abstract submissions showcasing cutting-edge research and developments across these dynamic fields.
Dooyoung Hah is an assistant professor at the Abdullah Gül University. He received his PhD in electrical engineering from KAIST in 2000. He also worked at Louisiana State University (LSU), University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI). He served as a Programme Chair for EKC 2022 (Marseille). He also has been serving as a technical committee member for the Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS (DTIP) since 2018. His current research interests include nano-/micro-systems, sensors, energy harvesting devices, photovoltaic devices, wearable electronics, and integrated photonics.
Changkyu received his PhD in machine learning from UiT The Arctic University of Norway in 2023 and is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Visual Intelligence (VI), a Norwegian Centre for Research-Based Innovation. His research interests focus on robust representation learning in latent spaces, with a particular emphasis on shared representations across diverse data modalities, such as image-language and natural image-marine acoustics. Based at the VI Oslo Hub at the University of Oslo, he actively collaborates with the VI Tromsø Hub at UiT, where he contributes to ongoing research projects and teaches advanced topics in machine learning.
Dr. Ryu is a Senior researcher at Korea Institute of Science and Technology Europe Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (KIST Europe), a branch institute of KIST in Seoul, located in Saarbruecken, Germany. Dr. Ryu studied Pharmacy as an undergraduate, and he obtained a Master's and PhD degree in biological pharmacy (Toxicology/drug metabolism) at Chungnam National University in Daejeon, Korea, supervised by Dr. Sang Kyum Kim. He then moved to IKP-Stuttgart in September 2015; he took postdoc training in Prof. Dr. Ulrich Zanger's group. His main research areas are lipidomics/metabolomics, development of new approach methods, drug metabolism, especially drug-induced toxicology, reactive metabolite profiling, regulation of drug-metabolizing enzymes (cytochrome P450, uridine 5'-diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase, glutathione s-transferase), and protein interactions. His previous research also focused on hepatic metabolism, sulfur-containing amino acid metabolism, and its regulation in various in vivo and in vitro models (e.g., diabetes, aging, high-fat diet, and drug-resistant breast cancer).
I work as a postdoctoral researcher in the University of Vienna. Evolution of great apes and their pathogens are my main research interest, and I use comparative genomics approach.
Medical Science and Engineering cover a diverse range of disciplines that bridge the gap between medicine, biology, and engineering. As a consequence of intersection, the field has been revolutionized through cutting-edge technologies, innovative treatments, and data-driven solutions. Especially, the field focuses on understanding the fundamental mechanisms of human health and disease, while also developing innovative technologies and therapies to improve healthcare outcomes. From pharmaceutical sciences and biotechnology to biomedical engineering and clinical applications, this division explores the transformative potential of integrating scientific discovery with engineering principles. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, we aim to address pressing global health challenges and pave the way for groundbreaking advancements in medical research and technology.
At the EKC2025 conference, based on these points, this division will highlight the latest research and technological innovations that are shaping the future of healthcare. As well, we will focus on covering a wide range of interdisciplinary topics that merge medicine, biology, and engineering to address healthcare challenges, including both foundational studies and applied research, emphasizing how theoretical insights can be translated into practical solutions that enhance patient care and quality of life. From drug development and biopharmaceuticals to medical devices and diagnostic tools, this division will showcase the dynamic interplay between science, engineering, and medicine.
We invite abstract submissions across a wide spectrum of topics within medical science and engineering, including:
● Medical Research & Biotechnology
● Imaging, Diagnostics & Therapeutics
● AI, Data Science & Computational Medicine
● Biomaterials, Nanomedicine & Drug Delivery
● Regenerative Medicine & Tissue Engineering
● Biomedical Engineering & Medical Devices
● Public Health & Global Medical Innovations
Join us at EKC2025 to discover how medical science and engineering are shaping the future of healthcare and pushing the boundaries of innovation and share your vision as well.
Name: Dr. Young-Beom Kim
Specialization: Neurobiology, Electrophysiology, Ion channel
-Professional Experience-
2016–2018: Research Lecturer/Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physiology, Korea University College of Medicine
2018–2023: Research Professor, Neuroscience Research Institute, Korea University College of Medicine
2023–Present: Team Leader, Electrophysiological Platform Team, iN Therapeutics (Daewoong Pharmaceutical's subsidiary)
2023–Present: Visiting Researcher/Professor, Laboratory of Neurobiology, Molecular and Integrative Biosciences, and HiLife, University of Helsinki
-Research Areas-
Central mechanisms of hypertension.
Regulation of neuronal chloride homeostasis as therapeutic targets for neural diseases.
Discovery of novel therapeutic targets for neurological disorders through ion channel modulation.
Development of new drugs targeting ion channels for the treatment of neural diseases.
Yura is a bioinformatician specialised in prediction of the gene regulatory network related to the cell plasticity on glandular epithelial cells upon different external stresses and controlling skin homeostasis. With her strong background as a half molecular biologist and half bioinformaticians during her early career, she focuses on finding biological insights from the genomics datasets derived from mouse or human samples.
Yura obtained her Bachelor's degree in bioinformatics and bioengineering from Soongsil University in 2015, graduating early with academic excellence. She then earned her Master's degree in Biochemistry from Ewha Womans University in 2018. Yura worked as an associate researcher at the National Cancer Center in South Korea from 2015 to 2018, focusing on deciphering genetic markers for predicting gastric cancer metastasis. In 2018, she relocated to Belgium to pursue her Ph.D.
As well, she is a qualified translator (EN-KR) since 2014, and she has participated in several translation project with pharmaceutical companies.
Dr Jaemin Lee is currently a University Academic Fellow (equivalent to an Assistant Professor) at University of Leeds. He has obtained his PhD at KAIST in Korea in 2016 and started postdoctoral research in Chemistry at the University of Warwick. He is currently working on the development of magnetic composites for biomedical devices and focuses on materials processing and novel manufacturing approaches. Dr Lee and his colleagues also develop novel conductive nanomaterials and innovative manufacturing processes which are digitally controlled. The materials and processes have contributed to breakthroughs in energy conversion devices, the interface engineering of advanced organic/inorganic materials for large-area display, and medical devices for minimally invasive procedures.
Juseong Lee is an Assistant Professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He is a member of the Operations, Planning, Accounting, and Control (OPAC), the Department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Science. His research focuses on integrating data-driven models and artificial intelligence into maintenance processes.
Dr Byongug Jeong currently works as a Senior Lecturer of Marine Engineering while teaching and researching various types of marine systems across technical, environmental and safety perspectives. Prior to this role, he worked at the Korean Register as a marine surveyor for over six and half years. During this time, he had the following commitments/responsibilities: Drawing approvals of cargo vessels and engine systems / Contribution to updating maritime rules and regulations for ships and engines / R&D on engine systems applicable to commercial vessels focusing on regulation, design and feasibility / Training junior staff and providing technical consultancy to clients for marine systems and regulations. He also worked at Hyundai Merchant Marine Co. Ltd, over three years, as a marine engineer on board five merchant ships: an LNG carrier, two container ships and two bulk carriers. His experience, therefore, is wide-ranging from looking after on-board machinery to classification related work, which is an essential element to cultivating seagoing marine engineers. He presently serves as the president of Europe-Korea Marine and Ocean Engineers Association (EKMOA).
We are thrilled to announce the theme for EKC 2025, focusing on the cutting-edge developments and breakthroughs in Nuclear Fusion and Fission Technologies. Our division, "Nuclear and Fusion technology, NF," beckons your expertise and insights to contribute abstracts that showcase the latest advancements, challenges, and future prospects in these critical fields.
Nuclear Fission, a stalwart in the energy sector, continues to evolve with advancements in reactor design, fuel cycles, and safety protocols. We invite you to submit abstracts that delve into innovations, novel methodologies, and research findings that propel nuclear fission into a new era of efficiency, safety, and environmental responsibility.
Simultaneously, the promise of Nuclear Fusion as a clean and virtually limitless energy source is captivating the global scientific community. We encourage you to share your abstracts detailing breakthroughs, experimental results, and theoretical advancements in the pursuit of controlled fusion reactions. Let us collectively explore the challenges, triumphs, and potential pathways towards unlocking the transformative power of nuclear fusion.
The EKC 2025 NF division provides a unique platform for interdisciplinary collaboration, fostering discussions that span from fundamental research to practical applications. We invite abstracts from scientists and engineers working in fields such as reactor physics, materials science, nuclear engineering, plasma physics, and more, to contribute to the richness of our discussions.
Abstract submissions should align with, but are not limited to, the following topics:
● Advanced reactor designs and innovations in nuclear fission.
● Next-generation fuel cycles and waste management strategies.
● Safety advancements and regulatory considerations in nuclear fission.
● Fusion reactor designs, experimental results, and theoretical models.
● Materials challenges and innovations for both fission and fusion technologies.
● Cross-cutting themes addressing the societal, economic, and environmental aspects of nuclear energy.
Join us in shaping the future of nuclear and fusion energy by submitting your abstracts and being an integral part of EKC 2025. Together, let's unveil the potential of nuclear fission and fusion technologies.
2014 Ph.D, Nuclear Engineering / UNIST
2014-2016 : Post-Doc / Argonne National Lab.
2016-Present : Principal Researcher, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
2021-2022. Team Leader of Integrated Radwaste Management Team, KAERI
2022-2023. Director of Radwaste Management Center, KAERI
2022-2023. Chair of Technical Division "LL & IL Radwaste Management", Korea Radioacitve Waste Society
2024.3 -Present. Permanent Mission of R.O.K (Science Attaché)
Hyun-Tae Kim (Hyun-Tae.Kim@ukaea.uk)
Senior Plasma Physicist, UK Atomic Energy Authority
• UK Atomic Energy Authority, UK (2020 ~ )
• EUROfusion, Programme Management Unit, UK (2015 ~ 2020)
• UK Atomic Energy Authority, UK (2013 ~ 2015)
Visiting professor positions
• Visiting associate professor in Department of Nuclear Engineering at Seoul National University, South Korea (2021 ~ 2022)
• Visiting academic in Plasma Physics Group in Imperial College London, UK (2014 ~ 2020)
• PhD in Plasma Physics, Imperial College London, UK (2009 ~ 2013)
• Master’s degree in Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea (2007 ~ 2009)
• Bachelor’s degree in Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea (2000 ~ 2007, study interrupted for military service in 2003 ~ 2005)
Dr. Hyong-sil Cho is a distinguished linguist and AI expert originally from South Korea, currently residing in the Netherlands. With a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Université d’Aix-Marseille, an Executive MBA in AI & Big Data from the University of Amsterdam, and graduate studies in French Literature from Seoul National University, Dr. Cho boasts over 20 years of experience in natural language processing. She has contributed to speech synthesis, recognition, and conversational AI projects with multinational companies such as Scansoft, Nuance, Microsoft, and Volkswagen.
An independent technical expert for EUREKA and a member of The European AI Alliance, Dr. Cho has been instrumental in promoting scientific and technological exchange between Korea and Europe, serving as an operational committee member of the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) and as former president of the Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in the Netherlands (KOSEANL, 2018-2019).
Currently, she leads the Euro-Korean Women Scientists and Engineers Association (EKWSEA, since 2023).
Yeongmi Kim is currently a professor in the department of Medical & Health Technology, MCI, Austria. Her principal research interests are sensory-motor rehabilitation, assistive technology, medical robotics, human computer interaction, and haptic feedback interfaces. She obtained her PhD in Mechatronics from GIST in 2010 and worked as a postdoctoral Researcher, research associate at ETH Zurich at the Rehabilitation Engineering Lab and University of Sheffield until 2014. During her PhD studies, she participated in the WISE mentoring program and received the best project awards from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, Korea under the Watch 21 (Women's Academy for Technology CHanger in the 21st century) program in both 2006 and 2007.